优化 mysql 商品销售情况统计查询性能
针对如下 sql 查询:
select p.title, count(o.id) as total, coalesce(sum(o.amount), 0) as success_amount, coalesce(sum(success.amount), 0) as failed_amount, coalesce(sum(failed.amount), 0) as total_amount, count(success.id) as success_total, count(failed.id) as failed_total from goods as g left join orders as o on o.goods_id = g.id left join orders as success on success.goods_id = g.id and success.status = 1 left join orders as failed on failed.goods_id = g.id and failed.status = 2 group by `p`.`id` order by total desc limit 10
- 取消索引:删除 goods 表的 create_time 索引。
- 修改索引:将 orders 表的 goods_id 索引修改为 (create_time, goods_id, amount, status) 联合索引。
- 重写 sql:优化后的 sql 如下:
SELECT g.title, COUNT(*) AS total, COALESCE(SUM(o.amount), 0) AS total_amount, COALESCE(SUM(IF(o.status = 1, o.amount, 0)), 0) AS success_amount, COALESCE(SUM(IF(o.status = 2, o.amount, 0)), 0) AS failed_amount, COALESCE(SUM(o.status = 1), 0) AS success_total, COALESCE(SUM(o.status = 2), 0) AS failed_total FROM orders AS o JOIN goods AS g ON g.id = o.goods_id WHERE o.create_time BETWEEN 'xxx' AND 'yyy' GROUP BY o.id ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 10
由于数据量较小(商品数量:8000,订单数量:100000),考虑使用 sqlite 代替 mysql 进行查询,可以获得较好的性能。
以上就是如何优化 MySQL 商品销售情况统计查询性能,使其在查询时间范围扩大时也能保持快速响应?的详细内容,更多请关注php中文网其它相关文章!
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