2. 重置密码
转向下一个 api。
put 到 /api/reset-password, req -> otp, email, 新密码, res -> nocontent
// controllers/passwordreset.go func resetpassword(c *fiber.ctx) error { type input struct { otp string `json:"otp"` email string `json:"email"` newpassword string `json:"new_password"` } var input input err := c.bodyparser(&input) if err != nil { return c.status(fiber.statusbadrequest).json(fiber.map{ "error": "invalid data", }) } // no input field should be empty if input.otp == "" || input.email == "" || input.newpassword == "" { return c.status(fiber.statusbadrequest).json(fiber.map{ "error": "invalid data", }) } // todo: check redis for otp and update password return c.sendstatus(fiber.statusnocontent) }
// routes/routes.go api.put("/reset-password", controllers.resetpassword)
- 验证otp -> 输入 = otp、电子邮件;输出 = 错误(如果有)
- updatepassword -> 输入 = 电子邮件、密码;输出 = 错误(如果有)
// utils/passwordreset.go func verifyotp(otp string, email string, c context.context) (error, bool) { key := otpkeyprefix + email // get the value for the key value, err := config.redisclient.get(c, key).result() if err != nil { // the following states that the key was not found if err == redis.nil { return errors.new("otp expired / incorrect email"), false } // for other errors return err, true } // compare received otp's hash with value in redis err = bcrypt.comparehashandpassword([]byte(value), []byte(otp)) if err != nil { return errors.new("incorrect otp"), false } // delete redis key to prevent abuse of otp err = config.redisclient.del(c, key).err() if err != nil { return err, true } return nil, false } func updatepassword(email string, password string, c context.context) error { users := config.db.collection("users") // hash the password hashedpassword, _ := bcrypt.generatefrompassword([]byte(password), 10) // update the password update := bson.m{ "$set": bson.m{ "password": hashedpassword, }, } _, err := users.updatebyid(c, email, update) if err != nil { return err } return nil }
// controllers/passwordreset.go func resetpassword(c *fiber.ctx) error { type input struct { otp string `json:"otp"` email string `json:"email"` newpassword string `json:"new_password"` } var input input err := c.bodyparser(&input) if err != nil { return c.status(fiber.statusbadrequest).json(fiber.map{ "error": "invalid data", }) } // no input field should be empty if input.otp == "" || input.email == "" || input.newpassword == "" { return c.status(fiber.statusbadrequest).json(fiber.map{ "error": "invalid data", }) } // check redis for otp err, isinternalerr := utils.verifyotp(input.otp, input.email, c.context()) if err != nil { var code int if isinternalerr { code = fiber.statusinternalservererror } else { code = fiber.statusunauthorized } return c.status(code).json(fiber.map{ "error": err.error(), }) } err = utils.updatepassword(input.email, input.newpassword, c.context()) if err != nil { return c.status(fiber.statusinternalservererror).json(fiber.map{ "error": err.error(), }) } return c.sendstatus(fiber.statusnocontent) }
curl --location --request PUT 'localhost:3000/api/reset-password' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "email": "yashjaiswal.cse@gmail.com", "new_password": "tester123", "otp": "DM4RDNF07B" }'
以上就是密码重置功能:使用 OTP 重置密码的详细内容,更多请关注php中文网其它相关文章!
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